Young woman reviewing her spending habits on her mobile phone.

Ways to stop overspending and create better spending habits

Try these simple strategies to help you spend smarter, skip impulse spending and save more.

People might think that when someone gets their first job, 一所房子, 或者一辆车, 他们真的养成了自己的理财习惯. 但事实证明,我们处理金钱的方式, 有好有坏, 在成年之前就开始成形了. 据业务insider报道, 储蓄习惯在7岁左右开始形成. 如果那些年轻的习惯和情感都不够理想, you may end up with adult-size issues like struggling to pay your bills on time or spending more than you make.

Because good financial habits can take a long time to develop, changing those that are less than ideal may seem difficult — but it's within your grasp. Change takes both a recognition that t在这里's a problem and the creation of a plan to fix it. Here are five bad financial habits that you can change with less effort than you might expect.


  • 真实的预算. 信用卡可以是很有用的工具 建立信用评分 and accumulating cash back or travel points for things that would have been purchased anyway. 但是当有结余的时候, 因此, a high interest rate) and you're spending more than you make, 信用卡债务可以很快接管.
  • A 预算的计算器 is a great basic tool to help you plan and balance monthly needs and income. 如果不使用信用卡太难的话, consider cutting them up and relying only on cash and debit cards.


  • 给你的薪水. 根据 忠诚, it is recommended to set aside 15% of your income for 退休 savings, but the aver年龄 U.S. 到2020年,美国家庭的储蓄仅为大约 收入的7%.
  • Saving is easier if you sock the money away before you even see it. Instead of thinking of savings as losing out on money that could be spent, 把储蓄看成是首先支付自己. 汽车matically divert a certain amount to a savings account or 退休 fund. 即使你从未见过钱,你也不会想念它.
  • 建立应急基金 为金融灾难做好准备. It might take time to reach your savings goal, but it will be worth it in the long run.


  • 自动缴费. 对于许多, 支付时间等于压力, which in turn causes them to put off the to-do and incur late fees and credit dings. 汽车账单支付一举消除了这个周期.
  • Only set up automatic bill pay if t在这里's enough money in your account each month to cover expenses. 否则,滞纳金可能会变成透支费. 每个月继续核对账单的准确性.


  • 不管是什么差事,都要使用购物清单. It helps restrain purchases made on a whim instead of those made with a plan.
  • 避免情绪化消费. Give yourself time to calm down before making that purchase.


  • 邻居们, 互联网, streaming commercials: Constant mess年龄s from all sorts of sources help convince people they need what they won't use or can't afford. 相反, 设定目标 把注意力集中在体验上,而不是物质上.
  • 你是做什么 梦想的假期? 你的理想 退休 年龄? 一个一边 业务? When you're actively working toward saving for something concrete, you're less likely to be distracted by things you can't afford.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this p年龄. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect cover年龄 under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its 年龄nts provide tax or legal advice.




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Looking for ideas to make extra money to supplement your income? 考虑一下这些兼职.


Establishing credit is important, so understanding how it works is equally important.


你不需要像你父母那样存钱. 如果你离退休还有几十年, new approaches can help you gain sought-after financial security.


You can have a budget — and still live the life you want to live. Budgeting is a simple and reliable resource for shedding unwanted debt, 达到财务目标, living a healthier financial lifestyle and maintaining true financial wellness.