

在车辆上做作业, 贷款利率和汽车价格可能有助于避免这一过程变得势不可挡.

想知道买东西的窍门吗 新车或新车? 任何一种看起来都势不可挡. 你不仅要在几十种车辆选择中做出选择, but you also have to arrange 融资 和 possibly get rid of your current car. 另外, you usually need to prove that you have insurance before you can drive off the lot, 但要获得pp王者电子官网证明相对容易 增加或更换车辆 在你现有的pp王者电子官网单上. 这里有一些买车的建议,可以帮助你有信心地购买.


  • 列一张需要和想要的清单. 当你要找到那个人的时候,选择是无穷无尽的. 考虑什么对你和你的日常驾驶需求是重要的. For example, stop-和-go traffic routes may equal an emphasis on mpg to save gas. If you constantly haul loads (or extra kids), you may need a roomier fit 和 a bigger 车辆. 您想要家庭空间还是额外的货舱? 你想要 后视摄像头 或其他 提高汽车安全性的功能? 你在找什么? 高效油耗 在高速公路上或在城里开车? Once you have your list, search on car finder sites to find models that meet your needs. 选择三个模型进行进一步研究.
  • 了解pp王者电子官网行业对你的车辆的排名. 一辆“新车”可能等于一份“新pp王者电子官网费率”. The total will depend on the car's make, model, policy specifics 和 other information. 看看你想要什么 汽车在pp王者电子官网费用上排名靠前 和其他车相比. 另外,检查一下 你的pp王者电子官网代理人 以获得多少pp王者电子官网将在你的新车的估计.
  • 制定预算. 大多数专家建议 不超过10-15% 你每月收入的一部分用于购买汽车. 使用在线计算器来了解是否 你的汽车月供 符合你的预算.
  • 选择新的或使用,购买或租赁. 拥有建立权益, which means when you sell the 车辆 you'll reap any difference between the loan you have left 和 the value you own in the car. 但拥有意味着你要对一切负责,包括昂贵的维修. 租赁不等于资产净值,但通常每月付款更少,首付也更少. However, if you're constantly driving long distances, t在这里 are lease mileage restrictions. 使用在线计算器来帮助确定是否 你应该租赁或购买你的下一辆车.
  • 研究价格和评论. Manufacturers' websites have a wealth of information about the costs of certain features, 颜色和修剪级别. 各种研究公司,如消费者报告,卡法克斯,J.D. Power 和 Kelly Blue Book collect maintenance reports from a variety of sources on 车辆s. 凯利蓝皮书 五年的拥有成本 《pg电子官方网页版》有一个 车辆拥有成本 这篇文章可以向你展示任何车辆的真实拥有成本.
  • 提前获得贷款批准. 无论你选择购买还是租赁,你的信用记录都很重要. Work with your financial institution ahead of time to secure an auto loan 和 an interest rate. A car loan pre approval may be 使用 as a bargaining tool when you negotiate with the dealership.
  • 知道你的 信用评分. 事先检查一下,这样你就对自己能负担得起什么有信心, 再检查一下文件上的所有数字.
  • 利用在线工具. Free car appraisal tools on the internet can approximate how much your car may be worth. Check multiple sites 和 be realistic when evaluating the condition of your 车辆. 很少有汽车真正称得上“优秀”." And be honest when discussing your trade-in with the dealer — a service evaluation can quickly discover any service needs.
  • 以旧换新购物. 仅仅因为评估工具显示你的车值5美元,000并不意味着你能从经销商那里得到那么多钱. 他们可能有多余的那个牌子和型号, 也可能有促销或利润目标,影响任何以旧换新的优惠. 提示:了解工作机会的范围, 拜访几家经销商, 至少包括一个与你的汽车品牌不同的.


  • 拜访几家经销商. 经销商有不同的库存. 检查多个经销商可能有助于确保您将获得功能, 你想要的颜色和价格. Most dealerships publish their inventories online, making finding the right 车辆 even easier. 像汽车trader这样的网站.com或CarGuru.Com可以帮助您搜索超出您当地的经销商.
  • 试驾车辆. Navigating cars on paper 和 on websites is one thing, but driving is essential. Set aside at least 30 minutes to test drive your top choice (include city 和 freeway routes), 然后开其他几辆车. 在车停着的时候坐在车里,这样你就可以检查一下车的内部. 注意车辆的操控和视线. Select a route to drive that includes hills, rough pavements, curves 和 even a stretch of highway.
  • 询问回扣和奖励措施. 大多数制造商通过回扣来降低汽车成本, 或者向经销商提供销售汽车的奖励. 它们通常每月变化,并在制造商网站上列出. 这些 奖励和回扣 可能有助于降低汽车的成本.
  • 在提及以旧换新之前先协商价格. 如果你不能让经销商在新车的价格上让步, you might be able to ask them to improve the total value of your trade-in as a lure for getting your business.
  • 不要害怕走开. One way to avoid the hard sell is by negotiating with dealerships via email after you've completed the test drive. 联系 the sales manager about the model you want 和 the price you're willing to pay. 如果你和某人一起工作, 知道自己想要什么, 你需要什么,你愿意付多少. 不要签署超出预算的服务或购买汽车.
  • 不要根据你想要的月供来谈判. 通常情况下,这会导致更高的首付款或更长的贷款期限.


  • 携带预批准文件和必要的文件. 这可能有助于简化流程.
  • 仔细审查购买合同. 慢慢来,多问问题. 在你准备好之前,不要因为压力而签字.
  • 确保你的以旧换新被视为信用. Once you agree on a value for the trade-in, make sure it's treated as a credit. 这可以帮助你减少购买新车时支付的销售税.
  • 写下你的利率. Never sign a deal or drive away in your 新 car if you don't see your interest rate in writing.
  • 了解销售税和费用. 销售税是汽车成本的一个百分比. Documentation fees are the cost the dealership charges for filling out the contract. 注册费是代表买方支付给国家的.


根据 DMV.org, 在这里 are a few dealership tactics to be cautious of when you're negotiating a 新 car price.

  • 以旧换新骗局. 在签订任何合同之前, make sure the trade in value previously agreed upon is reflected in the final documents. 此外,要小心“推、拉、拖式销售”.“通过这些促销活动, the trade-in value of your car actually comes from the rebates 和 激励 on the car you are purchasing. The rebates 和 激励 can be 使用 to purchase the car regardless of the 车辆 you are bringing in.
  • 混合的谈判. 也被称为“四方法”, 这个推销员的把戏集多种手法于一身, 将不相关的因素整合到单个交易中. 销售经理写下汽车的价格, 首付款, 以旧换新的价值和期望的每月付款分成四个盒子. 这些数字甚至可能彼此之间没有关联. 如果你正在寻找一个特定的交易价格或一个固定的月付款, 确保所呈现的数字在计算中被使用.
  • 膨胀的利率. 一些汽车经销商可能会宣传一定的利率, 然后他们在最后一刻改变融资方式.
  • 当场交付. 一些购车者在没有担保贷款的情况下把车开出了停车场. 这意味着几周后, the car dealership might call to say the loan application was rejected 和 they need 新 paperwork. If this happens, you could end up paying a higher interest rate or down payment.
  • 不良信用. The dealership might play up the fact you have a low 信用评分, making you feel as if it's bad. Then they talk you into a higher down payment 和 possibly higher monthly 支付.
  • 负资产. The dealership might tell you they are paying off your old loan when your car is not worth the remaining value of the loan. 在现实中, 他们把“负资产”加到你的新车贷款上, 或者他们用回扣和奖励来偿还旧贷款.
  • 避免添加服务 比如额外保修或油漆保护计划. 缺口pp王者电子官网经常被建议,而且可能定价过高. 如果你对这些额外的服务感兴趣,可以货比三家.

无论你是买一辆新车还是买一辆新车, 打电话给你的代理 讨论汽车策略更改.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

状态 Farm®及其代理均不提供税务或法律建议.









买车? Here's a car loan calculator to help you compare 和 decide which loan may be best for you.


折价交易, 支付, purchase price 和 down 支付: 这些 essential elements of how to buy a car can help you find the right one for your 需要和欲望.




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